In order to promote outreach activities in Mexico of Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA ) of the United States of America and to strengthen bilateral trade insurance fresh foods , health authorities in both countries participated in the International Forum on Food Safety Modernization Act.
Organized by the Food and Drug Administration US (FDA , for its acronym in English ) , in coordination with the National Health Service , Food Safety and Quality ( SENASICA ) and the Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risk (COFEPRIS ) the forum allowed to present the updated overview and outlook of the FSMA , the final regulations that form, as well as dates and mechanisms for implementation.
The forum, held in Mexico City , was attended by members of the national chambers of the food industry and associations of producers of food for human consumption and animal consumption , who talked with FDA officials , for details on FSMA .
Derived from the publication of the Law in the United States, the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA ) , through SENASICA , since 2013 he designed a strategy to spread the FSMA and its regulations, to motivate the inclusion of producers to Systems Contamination Risk Reduction in the primary production of vegetables ( SRRC ) .
In addition , the authorities of the two countries have joint actions , among which the Declaration of Cooperation to formalize the “Partnership for Safety of Agricultural Products Fresh and Minimally Processed ” who signed the July 24, 2014 the FDA, COFEPRIS conducted and SENASICA .
With this agreement, both countries intend to meet safety standards according to existing regulations , in order to maintain and dabble with new products in both markets.
In the forum participated a delegation from the Department of Health and Human Services USA , led by Health Attaché , Michelle McConnell ; Deputy Commissioner for Food and Veterinary Medicine, Michael R. Taylor, Deputy Commissioner Incoming and Food and Veterinary Medicine of the FDA, Stephen Ostroff .
From Mexico , they were attended by the Secretary of Agriculture of SAGARPA , Jorge Narvaez Narvaez ; Chief Director of SENASICA , Enrique Sanchez Cruz ; Operation Health Commissioner of COFEPRIS , Alvaro Perez Vega ; and the President of the National Agricultural Council ( CNA ) , Benjamin Grayeb Ruiz.
Previously , officials in Mexico and the United States held a meeting at which discussed issues of bilateral interest such as : update on the implementation of FSMA ; program update SRRC and other safety efforts and the proposed plan of action for the recognition of the safety system of the Mexican government under FSMA .