Interview: Gloria Fonseca Mendoza


Gloria Fonseca Mendoza was born on January 7, 1987, in a place called Ojo de Agua, in  Tecámac, State of Mexico. Studied  at the National School of Biological Sciences of the National Polytechnic Institute, where in 2010 obtain  the title of Log Out Chemist Bacteriologist Parasitologist.


  1. Can you share with us some of your professional experience?

Since more than three years ago I work at the Association for Standardization and Certification AC (ANCE) where I am evaluating compliance and project manager of the food area. During this time I have participated as a speaker at national conferences on issues related to food safety. Previously participated as an internal verifier in a consulting firm and as an auditor in a British company focused on food safety in the hotel industry.

2. How was born the Association for Standardization and Certification?ANCE was founded in 1992 by a group of businessmen interested in collaborating with the legality and safety of products by supporting certification and verification of product, standards development and testing services. ANCE addresses the needs of various sectors to develop standards and regulations while offer their service to benefit companies, with  standards  and conformity assessment.

3. What are your functions within ANCE?Within my responsibilities are conducting verification visits to assess compliance of different standards and / or schemes related to food safety, in the case of Mexican Standards rules,  evaluated the hygienic handling service of prepared foods for obtaining Distinction H (NMX-F-605-NORMEX-2004) in places such as restaurants, hotels, Children’s Care, Sports Clubs, industrial canteens, bars, hotels, cafes, among others. In the case of the Mexican Official Standards, assessed hygiene practices for food processing, beverages or supplements (NOM-251-SSA1-2009) in factories and commissaries. For other schemes   I recently accredited as verifier of the Eleven Rivers Regulatory Scheme. On the other hand, I’m responsible for developing and managing Food Sector projects  and coordinating our quality management system.

4. How ANCE goals align to the goals of Eleven Rivers?I think they alienate at different points, no clutch the main point of alignment is the responsibility and commitment  that both associations show to the consumers, buyers and authorities to protect the lives and safety of these.

5. What perception personally have Eleven Rivers Regulatory Scheme?In my point of view, the Eleven Rivers Regulatory Scheme is one of the most comprehensive and innovative schemes, as it has three significant differentiators: Full Coverage, integral  Scope and continuing Verification, the first referring to the producers must include all modules of agricultural production, packaging and shelter to the certification process, the Comprehensive range which tells us that the Eleven Rivers Regulatory Scheme is not only focused on safety, but seeks to comply with best business practices including industry: quality process, traceability, integrated pest management, HACCP and social and environmental responsibility. The last principle, but no less important, is the ongoing verification, which tells us that producers must obtain certification by season and later a weekly compliance verification, carried out by independent certification bodies. Eleven Rivers Regulatory Scheme is a local scheme, which certainly should be adopted across the Mexican territory and seek international recognition.

6. What are the main areas of opportunity for trade certifications today?I think there are two great opportunities. The first is to include the production, packaging and shelter in the certification process, ie that agricultural certifying 100% and not piecemeal. On the other hand include among the requirements for maintenance of certification a larger number of monitoring visits in order to verify that the conditions under which they were granted certification are met at all times and that the commitment of the entrepreneur consumers, buyers and authorities is ongoing.

7. From your perspective what are the main benefits of continuous verification?There are several benefits, among which can highlight the ongoing verification helps us to determine the extent of maintaining previously met requirements, ie the ongoing verification is an effective mechanism to ensure continuity and consistency in compliance with a standard. In short, it is a reference to confirm the commitment of the certified company.

8. What  passionate you the most about your work ?What I most love about my job is providing solutions, be a useful person that contribute to the  society  improving life in the world. End the day thinking that I have helped to make the world better, that’s the most important to me.

9. Anything else you want to add ? I would like to acknowledge the work of Eleven Rivers and ANCE as two committed associations  with great sense of social responsibility partnerships , greatly appreciate the opportunity to let me be part of their contributions to society.