Know more about the Eleven Rivers Certification Squeme: Commitment of Ongoing Compliance

Axis I. Process Quality System

1.1.2Commitment of ongoing compliance

Proper implementation and ongoing functioning of any managing system takes the responsibility and commitment of senior management and company owners or shareholders, with the purpose of making all the process satisfying. This is critical and requires to be initiated from the volunteer incorporation of the participating grower to the Eleven Rivers program.

To be incorporated to the Eleven Rivers program, senior management of the company must sign and document an ongoing compliance commitment, assuming its responsibility in allocating technical personnel, ongoing training, attending the implementation program, investments in infrastructure and essential aspects to achieve conformity of Eleven Rivers Certification Scheme.

Senior Management must attend the opening and closing meeting of the Certification audit, as well as the Eleven Rivers Growers Certification Scheme implementation team that involves the areas of production, packaging, social responsibility, food safety and quality.