Eleven Rivers was born in 2009 to meet the responsibility of offering consumers fresh, healthy, safe and sustainable products.

The Eleven Rivers hallmark seeks to improve the performance of companies in the areas of food safety, process quality, traceability as well as social and environmental responsibility; all of these aspects are verified on a weekly basis, to ensure continued compliance of the Mexican horticultural products.

Eleven Rivers® seeks to establish a commitment with the agrifood sector, to build safety in benefit of the consumer, through a supply of certified produce and fruits, and supported by their differentiating values:

  1. Full Coverage. In the Eleven Rivers® Certification Scheme (11RCS), companies certify their modules of agriculture production, packaging and shelter facilities.

  1. Comprehensive Scope. The 11RCS is not only focused on food safety: it also seeks to comply with the best practices in the industry, including, process quality, traceability and social responsibility.

  1. Continued Verification. Participating growers agree to be subject to a certification per agriculture season; and to a weekly verification of compliance, performed by independent certification and verification organizations.

Eleven Rivers is open to all producers affiliated to the farmers associations affiliated to the Confederación de Asociaciones Agrícolas de Sinaloa (CAADES), so that they participate and obtain the benefits of the program.



