Eleven Rivers manages the delivery of 10 thousand trees to companies participating in the program


Eleven Rivers participating companies are carrying out reforestation actions in order to contribute to the mitigation of climate change and protect the health of their workers.

Eleven Rivers arranged with the National Forestry Commission (CONAFOR) to strengthen the efforts of farmers through the donation of plants of different species that has being planted on roads and perimeters of the acres.

Trees have the ability to bind and absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) naturally and thus regulate climate. They are also important environmental service providers which also contributes to the efforts to adapt to climate change.

We initiated reforestation campaign with the support of CONAFOR and agricultural enterprises: “Sistema de Producción Intensiva”, “Santa Veneranda” y “Cohuibampo” from the municipalities of Guasave and Ahome. They planted about 10,000 trees at this early stage.