In the framework of the event Mexico-Chile Cluster Initiative, Encouraging the competitiveness of Sinaloa organized by CODESIN, The European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis gave bronze recognition to Antonio Beltrán Ochoa CEO of Agrícola Belher and Leader of the Tomato of Sinaloa Custer.
The Secretary of Economic Development, Javier Lizárraga Mercado mentioned that “the clusters in Sinaloa are a great opportunity to move from the primary sector to the secondary sector through integrators that generate their own brands. If we could get a couple of integrators from each cluster and we can unite the entrepreneurs around a single brand, to a single effort, many of the companies worldwide have left integrators where the effort is combined, because working as a team unified is how best it is going to go”, he said.
From January to July of this year, agri-food exports increased by 56% in the state, compared to the same period in 2016, revealed Javier Lizarraga Mercado secretary of Economic Development. The integration of clusters of production has allowed the economic value of the primary sector to grow 11% in Sinaloa, which represents 2,882 million dollars.
In Sinaloa we have the clusters, Sinaloa Information Technologies, naval, citrus, mango, tomato, horticultural and aquaculture.
The event was attended by CODESIN President José Mario Cadena Bórquez, SEDECO Deputy Secretaries, Hilda Inukai Sashida and Lauro Meléndrez Parra and the Agriculture Undersecretary Diego Monjardin Ureta, as well the delegate of the Ministry of Economy, Rafael Rodríguez Castaños and CODESIN Director General José Luis López Valle and special guests.
Source: ADN Informativo, Noroeste.