On June 29 and 30 the course – workshop: Implementation of Axis II – Agricultural Production System and Implementation of Axis III: Packaging, Storage, and Transportation System was carried out, whose general objective was to link in a theoretical and practical manner the compliance criteria established in Axis II and III of the Eleven Rivers Certification Scheme, identifying chemical, physical and biological hazards that endanger the food safety.
At the same way on Julie 3 was carried out the course – workshop: Implementation of Axis IV – Eleven Rivers System Based on HACCP; the objectives of this training are oriented to link theoretically and practically the compliance criteria established in Axis IV of the Eleven Rivers Certification Scheme for people working in agricultural enterprises in Sinaloa.
The courses were held in the multipurpose room of the Culiacan Growers Association (AARC), was taught by the Center for Research in Food and Development (CIAD) and LANIIA Conacyt National Laboratory; With a duration of 8 hours each course and with the participation around of 60 people, assistants of the different companies participating in the Eleven Rivers Program