From the 2015-2016 season the technical advice coordination of Eleven Rivers was created, to be able to offer the Diagnosis and Implementation services to the companies participating in the certification program.
In the current season, we have increased our team of technical advisors to provide better service to participating companies so they can achieve Eleven Rivers certification.
The principal services provided by technical advisors are the next:
1. Diagnosis
Farmers who decide to join the program begin with a diagnostic phase, where the reviewed are the next:
Risk analysis
Process Documentation
Identification of preventive measures
Identification of corrective measures
This diagnostic gives Eleven Rivers’ team of technical advisors the tools to determine a Work Program with the company to achieve certification.
2. Implementation
After the initial diagnosis, the Eleven Rivers team presents to the company the work strategies for the implementation of the compliance requirements set out in the Eleven Rivers Scheme, and in conjunction with the technical staff of the farm collaborates to implement the program of work.
The technical advice is developed according to the next:
Strategies are designed to prevent, control and minimize the incidence of the dangers identified in the diagnosis: an action plan is generated for its successful implementation.
In the implementation of the preventive, control and minimization action plan, the measures designed, according to the needs of the participating producers are applied: corrective actions, standardization of procedures, internal evaluations, verification and validation of procedures, catalog of Suppliers, software, training, sampling, infrastructure design, traceability, control of inputs and inventories.
The effectiveness of the measures implemented in the action plan is evaluated and verified.
Participating producers are prepared to receive and approve a certification audit, conducted by NSF International.
Once the agricultural company has reached conformity assessment by NSF International, ANCE is responsible for weekly verification audits of the company.
The Eleven Rivers program is available to all horticultural companies in Sinaloa, affiliated with the Associations of Farmers belonging to the Confederation of Agricultural Associations of the State of Sinaloa (CAADES). If you are interested in applying for the Eleven Rivers service, you may contact the Technical Operations Coordination at (667) 712-9350 or at the following email: