Eleven Rivers was integrated into the regular sessions of the State Safety Committee for the Management and Use of Pesticides, Fertilizers and Toxic Substances (COESPLAFEST), which is chaired by the Secretary of Health in Sinaloa, Private institutions and government agencies, among which are: CAADES, AARC, State Commission for Protection against Sanitary Risks of Sinaloa (COESPRISS), Secretary of Labor and Social Security (STPS), Department of Labor and Social Security (DTyPS), SEMARNAT , PROFEPA, SAGARPA, AMOCALI, AC, CESAVESIN, CONAGUA, CTM, Grupo Impulsora, Integrator Aprodifer, among others.
The COESPLAFEST aims to promote, support and coordinate actions to ensure labor safety, environmental health, and reduce trade barriers arising from the management and application of agrochemicals in agricultural production in the state of Sinaloa that directly or indirectly affect health Of the field workers.
For this, the members of COESPLAFEST perform various actions: training for technicians, mixers, pesticide applicators and agricultural day laborers; Collection and collection of empty containers of agrochemicals through the Campo Limpio program, and a detailed registry of accidents and poisonings to identify where intervention is required to reduce the incidence of bad use or handling of toxic substances.
Considering that the Eleven Rivers Certification Standard includes indicators of compliance with the responsible management of agrochemicals to protect the health of workers and consumers, participation in COESPLAFEST will allow identifying areas of opportunity and promoting actions to support incorporated companies To Eleven Rivers.