In the face of more informed consumers and more demanding buyers, Social Responsibility is no longer an option for the primary sector. Companies that do not address Social Responsibility as an investment and as a necessity, will see it reflected in terms of loss of competitiveness and markets.
Eleven Rivers in order to help the Sinaloa agricultural industry compete to stay in current markets and seek to position itself in new commercial blocks, has updated the Regulatory Scheme and makes the Eleven Rivers Regulatory Scheme Version 2.2 available to producers.
This version includes a shift in focus from the Eleven Rivers Standard in the V-axis of Social Responsibility that leads companies to comply with indicators that seek to reduce risks in the areas of: labor standards, health care and workers’ quality of life , Elimination of forced and compulsory labor, elimination of discrimination against women by gender, eradication of child labor, protection of adolescent workers, protection of the rights of the child and environmental protection.
It is important to emphasize that we have incorporated Safety and Hygiene at Work as an important action of Social Responsibility, companies must create a healthy and safe working environment to protect their workers.
Social Responsibility seeks to place companies as an important factor in the economic development of the country. Social Responsibility practices go beyond voluntary actions, donations or philanthropy. First, they must ensure that within their company policies exist that guarantee compliance with the current legislation that applies to them in each one of the areas of the company and then link to the community to face the problems of exclusion and poverty in the country.