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Eleven Rivers on the cover of Bien Informado Magazine

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Eleven Rivers is part of the edition of Bien Informado’s magazine of the month of September. It is disclosed the contribution and relevance of Eleven Rivers in the agricultural market by the leaders of 8 great horticultural companies from Sinaloa that have been certified already.

The publication highlights how this organimsm was born from the interest of Sinaloa’s producers to offer the market safe, healthy and sustainable products through Eleven Rivers certification, to meet new market demands.

The present day, the Eleven Rivers certification seeks the compliance of the agricultural companies in three aspects: food safety, environmental care and social responsibility.

As part of the personal experiences shared by the farmers they mention some of the benefits of the certification, which emphasizes its competitive advantage backed by the team of Eleven Rivers. This consists of technical advisors who offer assistance to the companies to comply with the guidelines established by the certification by NSF and verified on a weekly basis by the Association for Standardization and Certification, CA (ANCE) third participation agencies that guarantee the credibility of our accreditation process.

Below we list some of the main ideas that express the eight entrepreneurs who run companies certified by Eleven Rivers:

“We know that as more farmers participate or have the Eleven Rivers certification  we will facilitate the communication process so that more customers know about this scheme and give preference to Sinaloa’s productsthat are with them,” Daniel Cardenas Cevallos – General Director of Daniel Cardenas Cevallos Farmers Co-ownership.

“Eleven Rivers has been commissioned to update us on what happens. We go hand in hand with them, and this gives us a broader view on social issues, traceability and safety “José María Pablos Ritz – General Director of Agroexportadora Northwest.

“We can sell a top product, Premium. The next step is to begin to consume certified products by Eleven Rivers and when the time to sell arrives, there will be preferences “John Habermann Gastélum -GeneraDirector l of Agricultural De La Costa

“We feel more protected, because the certification scheme checks every production process, as well as social and environmental responsibility is also discussed. We have more security because we are reviewed by a third party. Ricardo Aguirre Borboa – GeneralDirector of Agricultural Santa Veneranda

“There are many certifiers, but I think Eleven Rivers is the most complete out there. No one offers what they offer, especially to be working every day. You stop working just to pass audits and begin to create a culture of compliance within the company, so i highly recommend it”Rosario Beltran Antonio Ureta – GeneralDirector of Agricultural Belher

“The consumer has changed their behavior. Today, he doesn’t just buy a product, but sees what there is behind; pays more attention to the issue of hygiene, health, that the product  is well protected; and especially the social responsibility that is what people are looking for “Sergio Esquer Peiro – GeneralDirector of agribusinesses Tombell

“We do not expect perfection, but we know that at any time someone can go to the farm and find everything in order just because Eleven Rivers had just gone during the week” Jon Esformes – Director of Vitanova Fresh

“One of the benefits of having Eleven Rivers as allies is that, in addition to its department of safety, there is a third party audit guidelines based on requirements, keep up to date on the laws of the countries they are exporting to and their own national laws to comercialize” Diego Ley Lopez – General Director of Agricultural del Campo and associates.

Online Magazine: https://issuu.com/bien_informado/docs/sinaloa_baja/1