As part of the “Training of new professionals for the Produce Industry” program, on January 23 of this year we received a group of students from the Agronomy Engineering of the University of Chapingo, from the Center Produce Region of Mexico in the facilities of the Confederation of Agricultural Associations of the State of Sinaloa (CAADES).
The objective of these informative sessions is for students to learn a little more about the agricultural sector in Sinaloa and to know the most relevant aspects that the Eleven Rivers Certification Scheme reviews.
In the talk, there was an opportunity to address the new paradigms facing agricultural activity by the changes in consumer behavior, new regulations and the diversification of export markets.
The most important message that we seek for the young professionals who participate in our training program is the importance of working in the professionalization of the personnel that collaborates in the agricultural companies, to migrate to a culture of compliance, to give sustainability and reliability to the daily operation of the company.