Interview: Marta Cruz- ANCE



Martha Victoria Cruz Cortes is the current Head of the Food Industry Association of Standardization and Certification A.C. one of the organizations supporting the third participation Eleven Rivers weekly program with the weekly compliance reviews in the farms that have achieved the certification. A native of Mexico City, with the profession of biochemical engineering at the National School of Biological Sciences of the National Polytechnic Institute shares his experience in collaboration with ANCE, A.C. with the Eleven Rivers Program.

  1. Could you share with us some of your professional experience?

My first professional experience was in the field of additives in Jobari Colors and Flavors, S.A. de C.V., responsible for Quality Assurance within my main tasks was the implementation of quality management system attached to the ISO 9001 standard.

My current job is in the Association for Standardization and Certification, CA, where I have worked for nine years, I started as an Engineer of Certification ofManagement System, I qualified as auditor in ISO 9001, auditor to evaluate specifications in Mexico Supreme Quality, GLOBALG.AP auditor, HACCPauditor, Distinctive H verifier, Good Manufacturing Practicesverifier, thirdparty authorized to assess the NOM-251-SSA1-2009.

Later in 2011, I was the Chief of CertificationProcess of Management Systems, where my main activities were expanding and maintaining existing accreditation of the certification, customer care, active communication with stakeholders, to name a few: CANACO and WorkingGroups for Standardization.

In 2013, I got the opportunity to take the post of Head of the Food Sector, for the development of this within the Association, as ANCE, AC, focused mainly on certification of the electricity sector and realized it was important to enter other sectors as the food sector throughout the value chain.

  1. What functions do you perform at ANCE?

I am responsible for the Food Sector, my main activity is to position the brand ANCE, A.C., in the food sector, in order to position ourselves as a comprehensive solution for any customer requiring certification.

  1. What does ANCE currently do in the agricultural sector in Mexico?

ANCE, A.C., is potentiating the agricultural sector, having as allies producer associations, to name a few: Mexico Supreme Quality and Eleven Rivers, with the aim of providing comprehensive solutions to producers nationwide.

Additionally, we have an active participation in technical committees and standardization with SAGARPA and Mexico Supreme Quality.

  1. What are the certifications of the agricultural sector that currently audits ANCE?

ANCE, A.C., is an organism of certification approved by GLOBALG.A.P. and accredited by the Mexican Accreditation to certify in the sub-field of fruits and vegetables in the IFA V. 5.0., we are a certification body accredited by the Mexican Accreditation in 23 specifications for companies to obtain the certification and use the brand Mexico Supreme Quality.

We have third parties authorized to audit specialists in Risk Reduction Contamination Systems for organizations to obtain such recognition by SENASICA.

We are currently working to obtain accreditation in organic certification.

  1. Why is it important the accreditation of the agencies at the Mexican Accreditation Entity (EMA)?

It is very important because based on the Federal Law on Metrology and Standardization, there must be one or more accreditation bodies in Mexico, which in our case there is only one, which is called Mexican Accreditation Entity, so for purposes of providing laboratory testing services, testing, product certification and management system certification, all laboratories, verification units and certification bodies must apply for accreditation to the standard or scheme corresponding to the EMA, AC.

  1. How has been your experience working with the Eleven Rivers program?

The current market has required us to accredit schemes recognized nationally and internationally and the Scheme of Eleven Rivers is the only scheme that requires annual certification and weekly verification, which has led the customer to maintain day to day compliance with the requirements in the Certification Scheme Eleven Rivers.

Eleven Riversstaff has given us at all times ways and mechanisms, creating an alliance with which both parties have learned.

 Communication channels have been a differentiating factor, which has led to have a solid relationship.

  1. In which waydo ANCE objectives relate with the objectives of Eleven Rivers?

Both organizations participated in the harmonization of standards and systems conformity assessment and seek to create the technical infrastructure for the evaluation of national and international standards, in order to facilitate access to markets.

We add value to the consumer in their quality of life through health, safety, performance and the best use of the resources of the planet.

We study our stuff and focus on constant innovation in processes to achieve continuous improvement and technical performance in line with our costumer’s expectations.

  1. From your perspective, what are the main differences between the certification scheme Eleven Rivers and the rest of the applicable schemes in the sector?

Eleven Rivers is a scheme that includes in its requirements the issue of social responsibility and this is very important because not it does not only meet safety, quality and sustainability, but the employee is a very important part in the process, also the requirements demanded by eleven Rivers, are stricter than other schemes, making it unique and exclusive.

Another big difference is the weekly verification mechanism, which forces the client to be constant to keep day by day the management system and create a work culture in the organization, and for it not to be just another standard to meet.

  1. Anything else you want to add?

Thanks to Eleven Rivers for considering ANCE, A.C. as one of its suppliers.