Dec 4, the general ordinary meeting of Confederation for Produce Research and Defense (CIDH, in Spanish) was held. Eng. Rosario Antonio Beltrán Ureta shared with board members the results from his last period in office, having tomato defense against dumping accusations by US Farmers as the most important one.
In the setting of the board session, the change of chair was also carried out; in which Eng. José María Pablos Ritz was appointed as the new CIDH chairman.
Gustavo Rojo Plascencia, CAADES Chairman, acknowledged the efforts of Rosario Antonio Beltrán and Mario Haroldo Robles in leading CIDH, and invested all of his trust in José María Pablos Ritz, who will lead the defense of interests from horticultural farmers within the CIDH.
The CIDH is a CAADES organization, specialized in vegetables; having as a responsibility the general defense of the interests from Sinaloa farmers, development of farming research, and commodity promotion in foreign markets.
CIDH was created as the initiative of Sinaloa Growers, to represent and address, as a priority, the needs from the sector in terms of defense of the interests from farmers associated to CAADES partner associations. It promotes research and technology transfer; and encourages the involvement of farmers in foreign events related to promoting their commodities. This organization is raised from a State Sectional Meeting of Produce Farmers in 1980