In the framework of his first Report of Work, held on March 18, in the city of Culiacán, Sinaloa, the president of the Confederation of Agricultural Associations of the State of Sinaloa (CAADES), Ulises Robles Gámez mentioned the importance of Eleven Rivers program created in 2010 by CAADES to support Sinaloa’s agricultural companies in meeting the highest international standards in food safety, traceability, process quality management and social and environmental responsibility.
He acknowledged that we are in a time of challenge for the exporting horticultural sector of Sinaloa, such as changes in legislation on food safety with the new Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) and the negotiations of the Treaty of Free Trade of North America (NAFTA); We participate in a highly competitive sector and full of new challenges, which today and safely tomorrow, will continue to demand new requirements that we will have to meet, but the most important is that we can anticipate these demands to be able to go ahead of our competitors and Thus strengthening the preference over our products.
Currently, Eleven Rivers is made up of 30 agricultural companies that represent 40% of Sinaloa fresh fruit and vegetable exports, eight of which have achieved Eleven Rivers Certification and the rest are in the process of implementation. By the end of this season we will reach the 13 certified companies and another 5 will have significant progress in their level of compliance to achieve certification in the next agricultural cycle.
We know that the future value of Eleven Rivers is the recognition it has in the international market, but we must be convinced that the most important value that this program has for the horticulturist in the present, is the work we are doing inside the companies, reducing the risks, their labels, their interests; Eleven Rivers is for certificated growers a “safer insurance”.
Ulises extern his recognition to Mr. Heriberto Vlaminck Seidel for his management as president of the organization, and welcomed Mr. Georgius Gotsis as the new chairman recently elected by the eleven rivers board.
Ulises Robles Recognized that agricultural activity and the economy in general faces a period of great challenges, even though the agri-food sector has performed positively closing since 2015 with a positive trade balance, because of the efforts of domestic producers.
“In the associations that make up CAADES are the best producers in this country, men and women innovative, visionary, and with strong agricultural roots, who have been able to give identity and pride to our Sinaloa, who have managed to transcend beyond our borders” was the sentence with which Robles Gámez finalizes its work report.
The event was attended by the Governor of the Sinaloa Quirino Ordaz Coppel; Jesús Valdez Palazuelos, Mayor of Culiacán; Dip. Germán Escobar Manjarréz, President of the Committee on Agriculture and Irrigation Systems of the Chamber of Deputies; Mario Zamora Gastélum, General Director of the National Finance of Agricultural, Rural, Forestry and Fisheries Development; Patricio Robles Luque, Delegate of SAGARPA in Sinaloa; Juan Enrique Habermann Gastelum, Secretary of Agriculture and Livestock of the State Government; Ana Cecilia Moreno Romero, President of the Committee on Agriculture of the State Congress and President of the League of Agrarian Communities and Farmers Unions of Sinaloa; D.E.M. Ernesto Alejandro Vadillo Trueba, Brigadier General of the IX Military Zone; Magistrate Enrique Inzunza Cazares, President of the Supreme Court of Justice.