On November 1st of this year, the Eleven Rivers Certificate was officially delivered to Agrícola Belher in the farm facilities located at Carretera La Palma – Vitaruto, Km 4.5, Villa Angel Flores, Navolato, Sinaloa.
The Eleven Rivers Board send a special recognition to the entire work team of the Company for the commitment to achieve this certification, for their trust and for being the company that for the third consecutive year approves the certification given by NSF and obtaining its Eleven Rivers Certificate V.2.2.1
This certificate was given to the committed team of the company lead by: Rosario Antonio Beltrán Ureta, General Manager; Antonio Beltrán Ochoa, General Manager; Chrysthian Marisol Castro Sandoval, Manager of Safety and Social Responsibility; Miguel Cisneros Sallas, Administration Manager; Dora Ochoa, Human Resources Manager; Juan Manuel Avilés Camacho, Packaging Manager; Leyma Leyva López, Manager of Finance; Lorena Beatriz Ochoa Aguilar, Human Resources Deputy Manager; Sergio Mendoza Rivera, Production Manager and María J. Escamilla Ochoa , Acquisitions Manager.
For companies to seek the Eleven Rivers Certification distinctive, implies their commitment to improve their performance in areas such as safety, quality of processes, traceability, social and environmental responsibility.
Agrícola Belher, beyond of just complying with audits for certification, has managed to become a company with tangible results all the time, have adopted the Quality Management System to improve their internal processes and in this way have optimized the Information and results, which translates into a continuous improvement of its operation.
This company is characterized by a management committed to the continuous training of its personnel, which includes all the areas involved in the implementation and operation of the Management System. At Eleven Rivers, we are pleased to have the participation of their work team from the diverse areas of the company such as Production, Finance, Human Resources, Social Responsibility, Safety, Acquisitions, Workshop and Maintenance, both auxiliaries and managers who participate in most of the courses taught in the Human Capital Training Program that we carry out every year.
We are grateful for the effort to meet the Eleven Rivers standard and achieve the Certification, thus contributing to the evolution of the industry and adding to the initiative of the horticulturists of Sinaloa to offer fresh, healthy, safe and sustainable products.