As part of the celebration of the 85th anniversary of CAADES, the president of the organization C. Jesús Ulises Robles Gámez acknowledged the professional career of Lic. Mario Haroldo Robles Escalante, for being one of the people who contributed the most to the development and growth of the agricultural organizations of Sinaloa and Mexico; who this year celebrates 50 years collaborating with producers at the state and national level.
“Mario Haroldo, not only has dedicated his entire professional life to the agricultural sector, but also during all this time he has done it in an assertive, constructive and very professional manner; being recognized as one of the main intellectuals and strategists of the primary sector of Mexico”.
“During five decades it has been a fundamental piece to transform agricultural organisms in the so important institutions that are nowadays; dedicating his life to protect the interests of farmers, “said Ulises Robles.
For his part, Mr. Robles thanked this recognition to the authorities, presidents and colleagues present at this event.
“No doubt the occasion is propitious to congratulate CAADES, its founders for the wise idea of creating this organization in the last century to represent and defend them, I imagine that in 1932 its founders did not imagine that with the passage of time it would become an organism with national and international projection and an obligatory agricultural reference for the country.
“85 years is easy, but it is a long way that not every organism and institution of civil society has the capacity to prevail, only those that have a justification, that have a raison to exist, that have the support of their represented and that they have the capacity to have a balance with diverse political and social forces of the state and the country, those that have the ability to adapt and have the ability to reinvent themselves, but fundamentally those that have had the capacity to be loyal to their principles and its original values are those that have the capacity to continue as CAADES has done for 85 years “.
“I have lived the last 50 years of my professional life with CAADES, the first 30 directing related agricultural organizations and the last 20 serving the farmers of Sinaloa ahead of CIDH of CAADES, I have known and collaborate with many of its leaders and in all I have seen an authentic interest to serve and defend the interests of the Sinaloa growers, each one in the historical moments that they had to live, some of which are here today celebrating the organism”.
“My personal gratitude to each of them, for their considerations and attention to my person and my family; I am grateful for this recognition, which I receive with the same emotion that I imprint on everything I do, from the trenches of the CIDH when it comes to representing, serving and defending the farmers of Sinaloa. ”
“I wish for a long life of CAADES that always have the capacity to adapt to the radical and vertiginous changes that agriculture demands in modern times and that will demand even more in the future; because its presence grows and strengthens in all areas of the state, national and international environment. That CAADES complies in all time the needs of our Sinaloa Growers. Thank you for this recognition that is made to my person which is a stimulus and a compliment and even more because it is carried out in the celebrations of the 85th anniversary of an organization that I care so much “emphasized Mr. Robles.