Last Feb 22, the first Work Report from Eng. José Enrique Rodarte Espinoza De Los Monteros – Chairman of the AARC with regards to his first year of office.
He recognized that in 2019, they had many challenges and adversities for the exporting horticultural sector, such as the Tomato Dumping accusation even though they were able to sign the agreement and avoid antidumping duties; starting March 19, the inspection of 92% of shipments into the U.S. is mandatory, which will cause a great bottleneck at the border, and also the threat of export restrictions due to seasonality. However, “despite these difficulties, the horticultural sector produces a large economic spillover for the state and the country, also being a significant generator of employment and benefits for farm workers.”
“One of the most valuable benefits are the actions in terms of Social Responsibility being carried out by our farmers through Pro-Familia de Jornaleros IAP, the social arm of the AARC, currently serving over 6,000 farm workers in the center of the state. These actions have allowed us to have a horticultural industry which is free from child labor; by preserving and providing balanced nutrition services by nutritionists, health, and quality education, in over 50 agricultural fields.”
He also commented about the importance of farming as the main economic activity in the Culiacan Valley and especially, in the State of Sinaloa, and emphasized that farmers should feel proud. He also shared some figures to support his speech:
In our country, the farming sector represents 8.2% of our GDP, and it is integrated as follows:
This is telling us about the positive impact this sector represents in employment creation, and in fighting poverty. Two engines of growth in Mexico are the Agrifood Sector, in the first place; followed by tourism, in second place.
“With regards to grants, the situation was even more complex: the last corn harvest was, without a doubt, the hardest in terms of marketing.”
• A record yield was obtained in Sinaloa, with over 6 million tons.
• The last cycle was a buyers’ market, and these were looking to take advantage of the marketing situation in their favor.
“In our warehouses, we receive over 130 thousand tons, and given the aggressiveness of buyers, we prefer to sacrifice significant income in the subject of services from our warehouses, this, so that we do not to pass along these costs to the farmer, and being able to pay a fairer price for their harvest.”
He reiterated the significant role that farmers’ associations in the state have to overcome these challenges, so he proposed training in risk management issues, and improvement of marketing capacities as first actions.
“As a valley and state, all of us growers, we need to improve the planning of our yield and diversify out crops, in order to seek profitability and lower the pressure in corn marketing. A particular case is increasing yellow corn production in Sinaloa, which should reach up to 20% of production, in order to achieve white corn revaluation.”
He also said that in these difficult times, it is very important to stay together and close to farming organizations. Getting involved as much as possible, involving families, children in this activity, to avoid losing this noble tradition of working and sowing the land.
“Farmer friends, we restate the commitment of our board of directors, which I am honored to chair, and we remind you that the AARC doors are always open, please come join us and get involved.”
He stated that, in difficult times, complaint is a common thing; but these are no times for complaining; these are times for acting, for being a part, for getting involved, and for being heard.
He thanked the AARC personnel, for their commitment in complying with their responsibilities, and invited them to continue the leadership and teamwork they have been carrying out.