Daughter of migrant farm workers thanks Agricola de Gala for educational opportunities.


On Tuesday October 25th took place the Institutional Cooperation Agreement for the improvement of educational care of children and adolescents from migrant worker’s families.

One of the commitments is to ensure the inclusion and educational equity that limit access and retention in education to children and adolescents from families of migrant farm workers and ensure that they receive adequate and appropriate educational services.

Currently agricultural migrant children receive educational services through SEP, in general and indigenous schools, and scheduled services by the Inclusion and Educational Equity Program, through community education administered by the National Council for Educational Development, and through specific programs of the National Institute for Adult Education.

Sinaloa’s agricultural entrepreneur’s owners of the fields where the parents or guardians of girls and agricultural migrant children work, play an important role in the availability of educational services, as they are managers of Its t installation and help with various contributions for operation.

The four guidelines in which this agreement is based are the following:

  1. To redesigned educational policies by the strengthening of the public budget, planning processes, institutional coordination and social participation.
  2. To ensure the relevance of an intercultural education model as well as the availability, suitability and professional development of teaching staff functions.
  3. To develop a Unified Education Information System and adapt school control standards.
  4. To encourage innovation, educational assessment and social project management.

During this event featured the participation of young Chavela Rosa Lizbeth Rosas, 2nd grade high school student, daughter of migrant farm workers who work at Agrícola de Gala company; She shared her story and how the company has given the opportunity to study to her and to other children of migrant families, “All children deserve the opportunity to study” was one of the things that Rosa Lizbeth emphasized.

Like Rosa Lizbeth, there are many children, youth and adults who have had the opportunity to study and to graduate from various university courses through incentives offered by these companies and even some of them have returned to work in other jobs, thereby changing his own family history.