Eleven Rivers presents its Training program season 2018-2019

Eleven Rivers extends a cordial invitation to participate in our annual training program, aimed at the personnel of the agricultural companies responsible for the implementation of the Eleven Rivers Certification Scheme.

In this edition our program will be divided into two phases:


Basic training: It is intended that each person is able to understand and implement the components of the Eleven Rivers Certification Scheme in a general way and became a training person to generate the conditions of their work environment as knowledge replicating personnel.


Advanced training: It aims to deepen the knowledge of some of the main components of the Eleven Rivers Certification Scheme.

Our basic training program will be taught by technical personnel of the companies, who have had an outstanding participation in the implementation, as well as in the evaluations of previous editions of our training program and by the technical team of Eleven Rivers.


Costs: The training program has NO cost for the technical staff of the companies that are active members of Associations of Farmers affiliated to CAADES.


Includes: Coffee break, work booklet and participation certificates.


¡Space Limited!

Location: Culiacán 30 persons for training

Location: Los Mochis, 45 persons for training



Luz María Chombo Tovar | e-mail: operation@elevenrivers.org

Condor Lindoro | e-mail: mejora@elevenrivers.org

Phone: (667) 712-9350

Cell phone: (667) 361-9563


Registration Process: Enter the following web page to register https://11rivers.com/intro/indexESP.html and select the topics that are of interest to you.


Directed to: To all the personnel responsible for the implementation of the criteria of field, packing, shelter, administration and social responsibility.