The GLOBALG.A.P. Harmonized Produce Safety Standard (HPSS) is a robust food safety standard that includes verbatim the Produce GAP Harmonization Initiative’s Harmonized Standards. Facilitated by the United Fresh Produce Association, the Initiative’s Technical Committee has aligned its Harmonized Standards to the FSMA Produce Safety Rule.
New! United Fresh has published the new Food Safety Programs & Auditing Protocol for the Fresh Tomato Supply Chain (Tomato Metrics) after comparison with the latest Harmonized standard. The items in the revised Tomato Metrics were greatly reduced compared to previous versions.
Those items that remain are either unique to the tomato industry or not currently in the Harmonized Standards. Now, tomato operations may use the Harmonized Produce Safety Standard (or other similar GAP programs, including IFA) as the base food safety protocol combined with the Tomato Metrics as an addendum. Click here for more information from United Fresh.