1.5.1. Design and construction
The company must document risk analysis to identify the control measures that must be implemented in the location and design of the different areas of workshops and waste management.
The company must prepare sketches showing the geographical location (through georeferencing) and distribution of the facilities. In the sketches, the surrounding areas should be identified (communities, offices, housing developments, streets, roads, water sources, wastewater and others identified in the risk analysis).
The stores of tools, raw materials, cleaning utensils, chemicals and agrochemicals must have controlled access and install signs that restrict access, that identify the type of substances stored and have enough space for operational maneuvers of cleaning, maintenance, inspection and pest control.
1.5.2. Warehouse equipment, tools and workshop
Specific spaces should be assigned for the storage or shelter of agricultural machinery, and a repair and maintenance workshop, based on a risk analysis that considers the location and does not represent a danger for the safety of the product. These areas must meet the following requirements: