Official presentation of Eleven Rivers as affiliate of the National Agricultural Council

On June 25th, for the sixth time in the year, the meeting of the Steering Committee of the National Agricultural and Livestock Council (CNA) was held, within the framework of the General Assembly of that body.

Earlier this year, the Eleven Rivers Association requested integration into the CNA, becoming officially affiliated on January 29, 2015 by agreement of the Boards of Executive Committee and the Steering Committee; During this sixth meeting, the presentation of Eleven Rivers to the Steering Committee of this important body.

During the session, Dr. José Cacho gave the floor to Heriberto Vlaminck Seidel, President of the Eleven Rivers Association, who thanked the opportunity to participate in such a large organization and, through a previous introduction, explained to the audience in general the main objective of the Eleven Rivers Program, and then proceed to the presentation of the institutional video.

For his part, Mr. Benjamín Grayeb Ruíz, President of the ANC, continued to present the presidential report for the period from May 27 to June 25 of this year, which mentioned the creation of the National Anti-Corruption System; A tour of work for Michoacán with Lic. Enrique Peña Nieto; The monthly meetings of the ANC (Executive, Work Commissions and Steering Committee); The monthly meeting of the Agroindustrial Committee of CODEX Alimentario; In the event of public consultation for regulatory improvement; The signing of the Agreement between the Mexican Accreditation Entity (EMA) and the National Service of Health, Food Safety and Agro-Food Quality (SENASICA), as well as two ALASA work tours.

It is important to remember that the CNA represents the interests of the agri-food sector before different labor bodies, participating permanently in collegial bodies and analysis of diverse subjects such as rural development, foreign trade, normalization and financing and that for Eleven Rivers participation in This agency represents an opportunity to externalize the problems that are presented in our state and in turn to propose diverse solution alternatives that allow the development of the agri-food sector in Sinaloa.