17 diciembre, 2018

ANCE A.C. celebrates its 26th anniversary as a leader organism in standardization and conformity assessment in Mexico

The Standardization and Certification Association (ANCE) held on December 11th its 26 anniversary as a leader in the standardization and evaluation of compliance in Mexico. ANCE is the […]
27 septiembre, 2018

Training of the Eleven Rivers program for Mexican Accreditation Entity experts

On September 21st was held at the facilities of the Mexican Accreditation Entity A.C. the updating course in the Eleven Rivers operations manual v2.4. The operations […]
26 julio, 2018

LANIIA laboratory accredited by ema, updates its catalog of services

LANIIA is an interdisciplinary space for research, development and innovation on food and water safety, with the aim of providing tools and solutions to the academic-scientific, […]