As part of the celebration of the World Day for the Eradication of Child Labor, the event “Strategic Intersectoral Planning for the Prevention and Eradication of Child Labor and Educational Lack of Action” was held on June 14 and in The “One Hour Against Child Labor” activity where Mrs. Luz María Chombo Tovar – Technical Operation Coordinator of Eleven Rivers participated through a course -taller where adults and children interacted, in which she explained the methodology Which is suggested by the International Labor Organization for good practices and successful experiences through the Intersectoral Program for the Eradication of Child Labor (IPEC).
Each year, on 12 June, Education International (IE) and its member organizations around the world commemorate World Day against Child Labor. It is an opportunity to highlight the global reach of child labor and to increase awareness of the situation of millions of children working around the world. For IE and its affiliated educational unions, this day is also a good opportunity to reiterate that every child has the right to a quality, public and free education.
The achievement of Education for all and the eradication of child labor are inextricably linked. On the one hand, quality education, free and compulsory, is a key element in the prevention of child labor. Children who do not have access to quality education have no alternative but to enter the labor market, where they are often forced to work in dangerous and exploitative conditions. On the other hand, child labor is one of the main obstacles to education, since children who work can not be educated and do not receive the necessary education.
The OIT Conventions on child labor are aimed at protecting children in conjunction with other international instruments on the rights of the child, which provide an important framework for national legislation and the implementation of the program by governments.
What can you do to celebrate the World Day against Child Labor?
There are many ways in which teachers and their unions can support World Day against Child Labor. In the proposed activity “One hour against child labor” concrete ideas are found to prevent child labor and promote the right of every child to a quality, public and free education. The activity is designed so that it can be easily adapted to a particular group (peers and students), as well as to their local context and culture.
In order to give greater visibility and publicity to the World Day Against Child Labor, we urge you to work with ILO country offices, civil society organizations, parents’ associations, local and national authorities and the media.
The “One Hour Against Child Labor” activity is available in several languages and can be downloaded from the EI website: