Know more about the 2.4 Water Obtention, Use Management and Quality use of Fertilizers section in Axis II of the Eleven Rivers Certification Scheme.

2.4.1. Water source and irrigation methods

The source of water supply and irrigation methods for production blocks or lots should be documented, and should include: maps, images, layouts or other means to report the location of water sources.

2.4.2. Water Flow Chart

A water flow chart needs to be developed, describing the circulation trend: from the beginning until its final use; and indicate the treatments received during its storage.

2.4.3. Water management plan

A water management plan including the following should be documented: water supply risk analysis, monitoring program, preventive actions, verification and control procedures, cleaning and maintenance programs, sampling plan and analysis results. This plan should be reviewed and updated when adjustments or changes occur and after assessing risks on the water system.

2.4.4. Water quality for irrigation

Irrigation water should be obtained from a safe or treated source, to ensure its safety. A risk analysis of the irrigation water supply should be documented: start from its origin to its final use, using the water’s flow chart tool.

2.4.5. Irrigation system review

A procedure should be documented to review irrigation systems such as leaks, valves and oxidized equipment; as well as the presence of oils and strange matter that may endanger water quality. These reviews should be based on potential physical, chemical and biological risk assessment in the water distribution system.

2.4.6. Water for human consumption in the field

Water should be provided for field workers’ consumption, through the use of tanks and developing a cleaning and hygiene supervision procedures.