Make a Child Happy 2016


For the eighth time, the event “Make a Child Happy  2016” is held to give smiles to children of limited resources, through the delivery of gifts.

Joining this initiative is very simple, just need to choose a “Godson” through the following steps:

  1. – Go to the web site:
  2. – Press the “reserve” button.
  3. – Choose your godson and put your name, your location data: mobile phone and email, otherwise, we will have to delete the reservation from the beginning.
  4. – Once you have bought the gift for your godson, pack it and deliver it with the child’s name and number in the places and dates that we will be communicating later.

The gifts will be delivered at the Christmas Party that we are organizing where two communities will meet; Campo el Rialito and Campo Eureka.

With your help this Christmas we will make 300 children happy!

For more information please contact: Rodolfo Verdugo Moreno to his email adress: