The University of San Miguel in partnership with ICT, INNIDA and in collaboration agreement with ANICA invite you to participate in the Master in Food Safety and Quality.
The masters begin on February 17, has a duration of 1 year 8 months and is face-to-face modality on Fridays and Saturdays.
The main objective of this master’s degree is to promote greater profitability of the companies, training professionals capable of making changes and transformations in the business approach of the agri-food, agroindustrial and fishing sectors, mainly by implementing Safety, Quality and Food Safety Systems according to the National and international standards.
Registrations are open. For more information contact Perla María Ochoa Avilés at: at (667) 758-0800 Ext. 131; Cellular (667) 176-6803 or in facilities of the University of San Miguel in Blvd. Alfonso Zaragoza Maytorena 1800 Nte, Desarrollo Urbano 3 Rios.
Source: USM