Theory and Practice Training Course on Safety and Health at Work


The first Theoretical and practical training course on Safety and Health at Work was held last January 15th, where attendees learned how to prepare a risk map, among other important issues related to the preservation of the safety and health of workers.
The course was led by Hector Sanchez Manuel Larrañaga, director of Safe Work enterprise, who was commissioned to teach the subjects and direct the practice of the two days, in coordination with Eleven Rivers staff.
The course began on January 15th at the premises of the Asosiacion de Agricultores del Rio Culiacan (AARC), where issues related to the theory was learned, later on Saturday, January 16, completing the course with a practice session they were in the premises of the “Agricola Paredes”.
Among 36 participants attended the course. the technical and social workers of the participating enterprises of the Eleven Rivers program, involved in the safety and occupational health companies issues.
We thank to all the participants and especially to the Asosiacion de Agriculltores del Rio Culiacan, again for providing space and support in conducting this course, always interested in improving working conditions in the field and ensuring best practices for Sinaloa field.

By: Eleven Rivers