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Human resources

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04 Recursos humanos 300px

1.6. Human Resources

1.6.1. Commitment and breach penalties

A documented policy must be developed, to ensure that all employees are aware of their responsibilities to develop, validate, verify and maintain the Eleven Rivers Certification Scheme in its aspects of hygiene. Employees must sign a compliance acceptance letter regarding the hygiene policies and regulations of the companies.

When an employee may risk the integrity of an end product for a breach, a documented policy must be established to penalize the employee, for not sticking to the rules of hygiene stated by the company.


1.6.2. Human capital development

Continuous training is essential to reduce the pollution risks of products and improve the company management. The participating grower must ensure that the personnel has specialized training, expertise and competence to comply with the responsibilities awarded, to implement and maintain the elements of the Eleven Rivers Certification Scheme.

An annual human capital training program must be developed, based on an annual analysis or by the end of each agricultural season. The program must include at least subjects, speakers, frequency, materials to be used and contents. The senior management and coordinators responsible for 11RCS implementation must determine the requirements for personnel training. The analysis must include changes in processes, growth of company operation, new equipment acquisition, changes in personnel, update in basic issues, mostly.

A procedure to provide training to company personnel must be developed. The training may be developed internally by technical qualified personal (replicating personnel) of the company, or externally by recognized institutions or organizations. The training material and its teaching must use a language that is understandable for the personnel, and if necessary, it can be supported by a specialized translator. Similarly, a procedure must be established to evaluate training quality, based on the analysis of the materials used, the performance of the trainer and the learning acquired by employees.

Records must be documented, of which employees have been trained and the type of training received, for it to serve as a tool to senior management if these are required to cover a specific company area.


1.6.3. Medical examinations

Workers who attend to work in the production and packaging areas with gastrointestinal, respiratory problems or injuries must be detected. They also must be channeled for medical attention and reinstate them until they are completely healthy.