Know more about Axis I Process Quality System Section 1.17 Traceability

1.17 Traceability

1.17.1. Responsibility

The company must document and implement a traceability system that has the capacity to follow the movement of the product, through all its stages, backwards and forwards.

Have the available and updated data of those responsible for applying and maintaining the traceability tracking system during the production flow for probable cases of emergency. Traceability system personnel must have specialized training in the subject.

1.17.2. Choice of technology type

The type of equipment, system and label used for the implementation of traceability must be documented. Some criteria to determine the type of technology are:

  1. a) Speed ​​to access the data generated in the production, packaging and transport process.
  2. b) Size of the company.
  3. c) Number of links in the supply chain.

The type of technology should include: readers, software and printers capable of reading, capturing, processing, coding, marking, storage, analysis, sending data.

The labels used to print identification data must have the following characteristics: adequate size for reading, resistance, durable ink and readability (for the human eye and reading scanner).

1.17.3. Product identification

A procedure must be documented to apply a follow-up of the product from the acquisition of inputs and materials to the final consumer. The company must be able to identify the product during its production, packaging, storage and transportation.

In order to be able to follow the traceability from the origin of the seedling, a record must be documented, including at least variety, date of planting, quantity sown, seed lot and lot where it was raised.

The label must contain accurate information of the product, according to the client’s specifications and the regulatory requirements of the destination country and the country of origin. In the identification of the product, it is essential to use a barcode (or other similar electronic identification system) to capture the information in a coded form.

The identification details of the product will be accurately described in the shipping documents delivered to customers, when the product leaves the company. This is so that it is easily identified by the rest of the supply chain.

1.17.4. Record storage

The identification data of the product must be automated and captured in a single system of internal traceability in the developed processes. The data capture must be in real time and any area of ​​the company can read the information generated for each product unit through the assigned devices.

The company must be able to respond quickly and efficiently to requests for information from the authorities or the distribution chain.

1.17.5. Validation of traceability systems

The company must perform a diagnosis of its traceability system forward and backward, at least once a year and internally validate its operation by developing pilot tests that measure the percentage of information recovered and the response time (maximum 2 hours ). If necessary, carry out corrective actions.

The company must document the traceability system of its suppliers and buyers, through a list of suppliers identifying those that have a traceability system, you can have emails with the information of your system.