On February 6th of the current year, a meeting was held at the offices of the General Directorate of Agro-Food, Aquaculture and Fisheries (DGIAAP) of SENASICA, MVZ Hugo Fragoso Sánchez, General Director; Silvia Elena Rojas Villegas, Director of Agro-Food Safety, Organic Operation and Pesticides for Agricultural Use; Aurora Josefina Lobato García, Subdirector of Authorization and Approval of Coadyuvancia Organisms; Raymundo Elizalde Gastelo and Mario Cuevas Lara, Director and Operational Coordinator of the Eleven Rivers Program. The objective of the meeting was to present the progress of the Eleven Rivers Program, the work plan for the 2013-14 season, the development of an equivalence model between Pollution Risk Reduction Systems and version 2.1 of the Eleven Standard Rivers, as well as the renewal of the recognition of the Regulatory Scheme before SENASICA. The results of the meeting were successful, and through this newsletter we will continue to report on the progress of the relationship between Eleven Rivers and SENASICA.