Vitanova Fresh Produce renews its Eleven Rivers v2.3 Certification


During the month of february, Vitanova Fresh Produce, has renewed its Eleven Rivers certification, after obtaining the approval of the conformity issued by NSF.

Upon gaining Eleven Rivers certification, companies acquire the right to use the Badge and Eleven Rivers label; In addition, they initiate the weekly verification program, which consists of weekly evaluation of specific compliance criteria, with the objective of effectively ensuring the continuity and consistency of compliance with the axes established by the Eleven Rivers v2.3 Certification Scheme.

We are grateful for the trust and commitment demonstrated by the company to achieve the certification, by implementing the best practices of the industry through a comprehensive vision that encompasses the philosophy of safety, social responsibility, sustainability, quality and consumer confidence.

We recognize the VitaNova Fresh team that made it possible for the implementation of the Eleven Rivers Certification Scheme to be successful.

Special thanks and congratulations to the Managing Director, Ricardo Ruelas Torres, who was at the forefront of the team responsible for the direction and implementation of the Eleven Rivers Certification Scheme.