Agricola Vitanova Fresh Produce renew their Eleven Rivers certification v2.4

During March the agricultural company Vitanova Fresh Produce has renewed their Eleven Rivers certification, we are very pleased because this company is the first to obtaining  100% of compliance in the approval of the conformity in the certificate issued by NSF.

We are very pleased to collaborate with a work team like Vitanova Fresh Produce, where through to the coordinated work between top management and all its employees have achieved excellence in the five axes of the Eleven Rivers certification scheme.

Vitanova Fresh Produce was founded in 2009 by a group of Mexican and American businessmen, as part of a strategic marketing program and at the same time promoting agricultural activity in the northern region of Sinaloa.

Vitanova Fresh Produce, has always sought to be a model of agricultural business managed under policies that are based on corporate values established by their owners, where respect for their people and the ongoing search for competitiveness and the quality of their products are the support of its development.

The vision and the commitment of all the involved actors to reach the objectives set, result in the achievement of their goals as a company, that of our employees personally, fulfilling before the community, respecting and taking special care of the rights of the children population.

Congratulations! We hope to continue being part of the growth and commitment of the companies of Sinaloa to offer healthy, safe and sustainable products.

By obtaining the Eleven Rivers certification, companies acquire the right to label their products under the Eleven Rivers seal; they also initiate the weekly verification program, which consists of evaluating specific compliance criteria on a weekly basis, in order to effectively guarantee the continuity and consistency of compliance with the axes established by the Eleven Rivers Certification Scheme v2.4.