The main objective of this course – workshop is for participants to incorporate crisis management skills such as communication, prevention and management their business in […]
Eleven Rivers joins to the Sinaloa Sustainable Campaign which starts from July 15 to September 13 2016 in which also participate: SAGARPA, CAADES, FIRA, CIMMYT, CESAVESIN, […]
As part of the Human Capital Training Programme 2016-2017 the Workshop of study and risk analysis program of continuous improvement in safety and health at […]
The last course scheduled on June as part of the Human Capital Training Programme 2016-2017, was the workshop “Treatment of corrective actions using Tools Statistics, […]
The Advanced HACCP course Accredited by the International HACCP Alliance and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), is part of the “Human Capital Training Programme […]
Horticulture growth due to new technologies encourages the entry of new competitors that force to improve the quality of vegetables , recognized the president of […]
Eleven Rivers participating companies are carrying out reforestation actions in order to contribute to the mitigation of climate change and protect the health of their […]
Part of the “Human Capital Training Program 2016-2017” is the course about Eleven Rivers Certification Schemev2.3, which seeks to strengthen the skills of the staff […]