According to the World Health Organization, 1 in 10 people in the world (about 600 million) falls victim to illness from contaminated food each year. Of that, […]
When a manufacturing facility conducts microbial testing internally, the lab is expected to have hygiene and pathogen control programs in place and verified for effectiveness. These […]
Organizations are banning together in response to FDA’s long delay in releasing a rule under the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) that addresses food laboratory accreditation […]
For the first time, our country is featured on the list of the largest global sellers of agricultural and agro-industrial commodities, moving Argentina, beer, avocado, tomato, […]
Twenty-four organizations representing growers, shippers, and other entities throughout the produce marketing supply chain petitioned the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration on March 15, 2019, to modify the […]
Illness from the bacteria Bacillus cereus can mimic the stomach flu, which is why it may not get as much research attention as pathogens such as Listeria and Salmonella, which are […]
The GLOBALG.A.P. Harmonized Produce Safety Standard (HPSS) is a robust food safety standard that includes verbatim the Produce GAP Harmonization Initiative’s Harmonized Standards. Facilitated by the […]
Feltwood, an Aragonese company, has developed an innovative industrial and ecological material manufactured from agriculture vegetable waste, which offers an ecological alternative to plastic, and an […]
U.S. & MEXICO – Earlier yesterday, just minutes before midnight, the group of organizations representing the Mexican tomato industry reached an agreement with the U.S. Department […]
The United Fresh Produce Association and Produce Marketing Association have commended the collective efforts of the California-based leafy greens industry to bring the months-long effort of […]
It may seem contradictory, but dung beetles and soil bacteria may be better natural suppressants of harmful human pathogens than removing hedgerows, ponds, and other habitats […]